Friday, November 09, 2007

The voice of reason. From a 4 year old.

Gavin has only asked for about 3 things for Christmas. One of these being a scooter. My husband was trying to convince Gavin that maybe it might be better to wait until his summer birthday for the scooter. Getting a scooter in the winter and not being able to ride it until the spring might be a little bit of a downer.

But then I had a great idea. I said "Well, if Santa brings you a scooter maybe you could use it in the (long, uncarpeted) upstairs hallway*." I may as well have suggested he ride it on the highway during rush hour.

He turned to me with an incredulous look on his face and said "No. No I could not do that. I might fall down the stairs."

"That's right, Gavin" said my husband nodding proudly at his son for rejecting his mother's dangerous suggestion.

Thank goodness one of us has some common sense.

*Of course I would be supervising to make sure no one fell down the treacherous stairs. I'm not that stupid.

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