Thursday, December 20, 2007

A funny story

This morning we are all eating some nice fresh Scali bread which I picked up at our local Italian bakery. Every time I eat Scali bread I think of my nephew and niece.

As you know, we live in Boston. I am sure you may also be aware of the famous Boston accent although mostly when people try to "do" a Boston accent, they do a Kennedy-Boston-accent which is a totally different thing altogether. For a true Boston accent, just watch Matt Damon and Marky Mark Wahlberg in The Departed or The Depahted. (And yes, Mark Wahlberg is still always referred to as Marky Mark around these parts no matter how many Oscar movies he is in). But I digress...

My nephew and my niece are in 1st and 4th grades respectively and their teachers this year are not from the Boston area. My nephew and niece have noticed they pronounce their "r"s and say certainly words differently than their parents do. They have also taken to poking fun at their mother especially when she pronounces certain words. "Get in the cah" gets met with "Mom, it's carrrrr".

So, one day my sister-in-law asked the kids what kind of bread they wanted for their toast--American bread or Scali bread. To which they replied "It's Scarrrli bread, Mom". She was trying to explain to them that no, it really was Scali bread but they weren't having it.

So now whenever they see the bread in the house, they always ask for Scarli bread because they are sure their mother is putting her Boston accent spin on it.

1 comment:

Stacie said...

That's an adorable story. Kids are so funny.