Monday, December 22, 2008

Take that, Mr. K

The other night we were watching The Year Without a Santa Claus and there was a part where Santa hops on one of his reindeer and flies off to look for his elves. Aidan said to me "Mr. K says there is no such thing as flying reindeer". Well, I have just about had it with Mr. K and his bits of information he shares with the children. First it was 'if you do not eat healthy foods and take care of your body, you will die'. Now this may be true, but I don't think a five year old can quite grasp that concept and for weeks Aidan was walking around asking me if he was going to die. Then, Mr. K brought the whole race aspect into the presidential election. Now, it was a historic election because of that but again, five year olds have no frame of reference for this. I don't think it needed to be accentuated. Especially when Aidan came home talking about how "many, many people are losing their jobs because of this last, white president" (Aidan's words).

And so now, it is "no such thing" as flying reindeer. I am of the opinion that kids grow up way too fast and how many years will they believe in the magic of Christmas? At five, I am afraid there are very few left for them. So I was a little annoyed that he is putting some doubt in Aidan's head and taking away some of that magic.

Then a friend gave me a link to the Portable North Pole . You can set up a personalized video for your child from Santa. You can even provide a picture so Santa can show the child he/she is on his Good List. You can also choose from a few specific questions that Santa can answer for your child. One option was How Do Your Reindeer Fly? and launches into a little informational video about how elves go into the field and pick a special lichen off the trees that the reindeer like to eat. Then they take it back to the workshop and mix it with some magical potion and voila! flying reindeer. I was so happy he got a little of that magic back even though he didn't really say anything after watching the video. I know he was still amazed.

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