Friday, July 18, 2008


My favorite coffee mug. Gone. I never break anything yet when I do it is something really special.

This isn't just any coffee mug. I got this when my husband and I lived in Ireland for a short time back in 2000. He had thought there might be an opportunity for him to go because his company was keen to take advantage of Ireland suddenly booming economy--the Celtic Tiger as it was called.

My husband comes from an Irish heritage--his grandmother was born there--so he got his dual citizenship to make things easier. We had already been to Ireland and the UK a few times so I knew I would love it. It was such an exciting time in our lives. No kids and his company was picking up the tab for renting a place and utilities so I wouldn't have to work. I could just explore and enjoy. We went on an apartment hunting trip in November of '99 and settled on Malahide. We lived right on the Marina and it was beautiful! Malahide also had it's own castle which is where this mug came from. I loved this mug. Every time I sipped my morning coffee I couldn't help but remember our apartment overlooking the marina with the huge floor to ceiling window so I could gaze out the window at the boats. Sigh....
So, R.I.P. my poor little mug. I hope to replace you someday soon when we can get back to Malahide.

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