Monday, January 12, 2009

I will now never be able to use the computer

Heaven help me. Ciara began using the computer full force this weekend. She has been messing around, trying to figure things out, watching her brothers play their games. Then on Saturday, something clicked (haha, "clicked" -- get it??) and she just was clickin' and draggin' all over the place. I set her up on PBS kids and away she went.
What amazes me with Ciara is how much more advanced she seems at this age(3.5) than Aidan and Gavin were. I know that is usually how it goes with younger siblings. They absorb all the things their older siblings do and say. The boys got an alphapbet Go Fish game for Christmas and we played game after game for the duration of winter break. Ciara, not one to be left out of the fun, insisted on playing even though I didn't think she knew her letters. Well, it turns out she did know a few letters but the amazing thing is that by the end of winter break, she knew all her letters. Just from that Go Fish game. Of course we played 175 games of Go Fish but still...I think that was pretty neat.
And now. Now she can use the computer. Gone are the days where I can come home from dropping the boys off at school, put on Backyardigans for Ciara, grab a cup of coffee and sit and check my blogs and emails. Right now she is behind me saying "Are you done, Mom?"....."NOW are you done?"........"Did you check your emails?"...."NOW???"......

1 comment:

Mama Luvins said...

Sophie is doing the exact same thing now, and it's also just happened in the last month! Every time I turn around, she runs in here and goes to Noggin's site. It's wild - and she's the same as Ciara also in that she's way ahead of where Izzy was at this age. It's a blast, isn't it??