Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The year of the cookbook

I am not one for making resolutions but this year I decided to try one. I am going to try to actually cook recipes from the multitude of cookbooks sitting in my cabinet shelves.

I love to cook and I am an avid cookbook collector. It all started years ago when Sean and I lived in Ireland. The Naked Chef (aka Jamie Oliver) had a cooking show on television there at the time and he was being touted as the freshest thing to come into the kitchen in recent years. The next time Sean and I went into Dublin, I bought his book at Waterstones and I was hooked. Each recipe had a full page color photo and also a paragraph or two about the dish. How it came to be, why he chose to make it this way,etc. I love history behind recipes.

So now, I have at least 30 cookbooks (not to mention cooking magazines and recipes I have printed off the internet) that I read like novels when I get them. Then I ooh and ahh over several recipes, make a mental note to come back to them and then put them on my bedside night table. There they sit until the stack gets too unbearable to look at and in the cabinet they go. My problem is that lately life has just been too hectic to sit and plan a menu, make a grocery list and then execute the dish on the designated night. I tend to buy the same pieces of meat and staples each week and just cook. No book, no recipe, just whatever I feel like making that night.

Well, all that's about to change! Not today. And maybe not tomorrow. But hopefully this weekend I can sit and look through some books and make a plan.

1 comment:

deedee said...

I might be with you on this one.