Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Something I rarely do

I never wax poetic on how cute my kids are. It is not that I don't think they are cute, of course I do. But I am always reminded of a quote I once saw. Something like, "There is only one beautiful child in the world and every mother has it". So I hardly ever go on about my kids to other people because of course no other adult will think my kids are as cute as I do. But I had to make an exception for these pictures of Gavin. Not Aidan, mind you. These are really not flattering pictures of him. So just focus on Gavin in the red shirt.

Gavin usually does not take great pictures unless I get him in a completely candid moment. He usually does this goofy thing with his mouth where he has a forced, lopsided smile. Or he doesn't look at the camera. Or he closes his eyes on purpose. When I saw how these came out, I was taken aback by how absolutely adorable Gavin looked in them.

People always ask me how I tell them apart. Really?

This is my favorite. Look at that little face. I just want to squeeze him.

Incidentally, this is how it usually goes with picture taking at my house. Whenever one looks great, the other looks goofy. This time it was Aidan's turn.

1 comment:

Mama Luvins said...

All of your kids are absolutely adorable, but these really are great pictures of Gavin. FWIW, I can totally tell them apart too! I love your new header pic too - that's a really great shot.