Friday, September 28, 2007

What in tarnation?!

This will be one of those posts that people without children might be bored by. Or even people with children that are not mine. LOL

Anyhow, the boys are at that age (4) where their expressive language and vocabulary is taking off. It is really cute to hear one of them say when asked if they painted at school that day, "I sure did!" Or in response to asking if they want a Spongebob waffle for breakfast, one of them shoots back "Well of course I do!". When this happens I always think to myself where they get this stuff. Of course, it is from listening to all the conversations around them and how adults are speaking with them now that they aren't "babies" anymore. I know that I use more sarcasm with them now that they understand the difference of me being serious vs. joking with them.

Another thing which is funny to experience is there burdgeoning understanding of how the world works. For instance, I picked them up from school the other day and their teacher happened to be getting into her car as I buckled my crew into ours. "I wonder where she is going?" asked Gavin. I mentioned that maybe she was going home. He sort of huffed and said "Teachers don't go home". If he was a little older he probably would have added a two syllable "Duh" to the end of that sentence.

And just this morning, while Aidan was looking for a toy in the toybox and pulled out a pair of underwear he exclaimed "What in tarnation?!".

That one we can credit to good ol' Spongebob.

1 comment:

deedee said...

I love hearing new expressions my girls say.