Wednesday, February 04, 2009

A little more notice would be nice

The weekly school notice came home on Monday and I scanned it quickly as I usually do. Normally most of the information in it doesn't pertain to kindergarten so I don't pay much attention. But something at the very end of the notice, almost like an afterthought, caught my eye. Pajama Day, February 6th! Wear your pajamas to school! So I wander over to the calendar and see that February 6th is this Friday. As in 4 days from now. This means I need to go out and buy the boys' pajamas for Pajama Day because they wear the footed pajamas at home. They love them. But I can't very well send them to school in feeties. So I have been on the hunt for long-sleeve, long-pants pajamas. But, of course, this being the first week in February all that is available is tank-top-and-shorts pajamas. Really, the retail industry annoys me to no end. Who the hell are going to buy summer pajamas in February in New England?

I really would like to know.

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