Friday, December 01, 2006

'Tis the Season

And so the holidays are upon us.

My boys were so excited that they got to open the first door on the Christmas Box (as I have dubbed it since it is not your typical advent calendar). It is so much more fun this year with them. Last year, at 2 1/2, they would open up the door, get their chocolate and pretty much forget about the Christmas Box until I told them it was time to open up another door. Last night, before bed, they were all excited that the next day they would get to open a door and then this morning, that is the first thing they asked about.

Another good thing about this year is that they can actually begin to understand just how far away Christmas Day is by using the box. Of course, that still doesn't stop them from asking 65 times a day if it is Christmastime and when Santa is coming. I suppose I don't help it any because I am always itching to decorate the day after Thanksgiving and am often just as excited as the kids. I can't wait to get our Christmas tree and have the smell of balsam wafting through the house. Love it. Although, I must admit that with our unseasonably warm weather thus far, I am having a wee bit of trouble feeling like it actually is December. That should change with the cold front expected this weekend.

So, enjoy the season while it lasts. It will be gone all to soon.

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