Thursday, November 30, 2006

Christmas Cards....check

Perhaps you remember reading about the great picture debacle of '06.

It all started back in September at a local apple farm. Sure, it was early. But, I figured if I could get a good shot of the three of them, then why not?

Then I tried taking advantage of the beautiful fall backdrops at a pumpkin festival in early October.

Next I decided to go the professional route, figuring they could use their expertise and silly props to at least get all three looking in the same directions with a smile on their face.

I decided to give it one more shot on a warm fall day in November.

And then I gave up. I just took photos of the three of them seperately and made a collage card at an online phot site. Trying to get a photo of Ciara was like trying to pin down a sheep for shearing. As it is her photo turned out slightly blurry. But you can't tell. That much.

p.s. I have no less than 11 boys holiday sweaters from various sisters-in-law whose sons have outgrown them. None of them are even slightly complementary to each other thus I had to take a picture of Aidan in a sweater, take it off him and put it on Gavin and then take a picture of him so the card would not be so "busy".

1 comment:

Sarah said...


I truly enjoy your blog!