Thursday, November 02, 2006

15 months!

My baby is 15 months. I know I may be sounding trite but I just can't believe how fast the time has passed. Everyone says it does but you just 'yes, I know' them to death and wish they would leave you alone.

But it really does go fast. I can see that now.

So, here she is. 15 months. She seems to do everything so much faster than her brothers. Climbing, running, understanding every single thing you say to her. She loves when her brothers chase her through the house in huge circles. Dining room, kitchen, hallway, foyer. Over and over again. Sometimes she eggs them on by switching off the TV while they are watching and then run giggling from the room.

She is not talking much but she can sure get her point across. She walks over to the snack cabinet and points upwards and grunts. If the grunting does not elicit an immediate response, it turns into screeches. If her brothers have a snack she wants, she will walk up to them and point to whatever they are eating and say "mama"? "Mama" seems to be the universal word for everything in Ciara's world.

Ciara is a big hugger. Each morning when I retrieve her from her crib, she waves and smiles. I pick her up and she puts her arms around my neck and squeezes. I think that may be my favorite part of the day. She now gives kisses when you ask her to. "Can I have a kiss?" will result in Ciara coming at you, open mouthed, to plant one on your face somewhere.

Yes, the time does fly and you wish you could slow it down.

But with each new day comes new discoveries, new skills, new memories.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I can't believe how long her hair is getting! Happy 15 month Birthday Ciara!