Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Not the nap. Please. Not. the. nap.

As I am sitting here at the computer, Gavin is chitter chattering away to himself in his bedroom. I just peeked in and Aidan is passed out despite the noise in there. Gavin asked if it was time to get up. I told him he had to stay quietly in his room even if he wasn't going to sleep because it was Mommy's quiet time.

This is the day I have dreaded since they turned 3. I knew my days of silence at 2 p.m. were numbered. Ciara dropped her morning nap about two weeks ago so now all three are usually in bed at 1:30 or so. It is my sanity-saving time to recharge my Mom batteries. Now for the past four days, Gavin has not fallen asleep. But Aidan has. Which puts us in a quandry for bedtime. Gavin, having not napped, could easily go in at 7:15 or so but then Aidan is not tired at that time. And there is no way one would go without the other. So, Gavin stays up until the regular 8:30 bedtime and proceeds to have a full-blown meltdown somewhere in there. So clearly, if he is going to stay up until 8:30, he needs a nap.

Now, I could just have Aidan not nap so they both went to bed at 7:15 but he is asleep within minutes of hitting the pillow in the afternoon so he clearly still needs his nap as well. Not to mention, if they were in bed at 7:15 sans nap then Sean would spend less than an hour with them between the time he got home from work and their bedtime.

Also not to mention, I would go C.R.A.Z.Y . if they didn't nap.

Gavin is still chattering away to himself in there. Rats.

Being a mom just got a little tougher.

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