Sunday, November 05, 2006

Stealth Baby

Ciara is so much worse at doing things she shouldn't be than either of the boys were at this age. And to top it off, she is silent when doing these things.

We have a jack and jill staircase so I need to have two baby gates preventing Ciara from roaming to the second floor. One of the baby gates is not properly installed because the baseboard on the bottom of the wall makes it uneven. So we must just fit it into the space at the base of the stairs and then prop a chair in front of it to keep Ciara from going up. I cannot tell you how many times a day I find her on those stairs. If I am changing the boys or letting the dog out the front door, she hightails it for that gate and silently moves the chair, then the gate and is up the stairs like a shot.

The other night Iwas in the kitchen making dinner and Ciara was with me. She then wandered into the dining room and was quiet for about 30 seconds. I walked in to find this:

Ciara had pulled a chair out and climbed onto the table to get her brother's Halloween stash. And I didn't hear a thing.

I am in trouble with this one.


Kimberly said...

She is SO proud of herself with that sucker! What a little dollbaby!

Sarah said...

Ok, I have to say it again - She is just too darn cute!!!! That is just so funny. Keep the pictures coming!