Monday, May 29, 2006

Note to self...

For future reference, do not bother to reason/explain things to a 3 year old. Just agree to whatever it is they are asking you because there is a 99% chance they won't remember your conversation anyway.

Case in point: As I was folding laundry, Aidan saw his new summer pajamas. "Ohhh, can I wear these tonight?" "Sure." I say. If only it were that easy. He next spots his new Red Sox shirt.

Aidan: "Can I wear this tonight too?"
Me: "Honey, that is a regular shirt not a pajama shirt."
A: "But can I wear it?"
Me: "You can wear it tomorrow when you get dressed."
A: Okay. But can I wear it tonight?"
Me: "But it's..."
A: "Can Iiiiii?"
Me: "Sure you can wear it tonight"
A: "Okay!" --skips off to find something else to do.

Now when tonight rolls around, I can almost guarantee he will not ask me about that Red Sox shirt. I could have saved myself a 10 minute conversation by just agreeing to it from the get go. This has happened on numerous occasions and each time I just resort to the "YES!" and that is the end of the conversation.

Now, I will really be in trouble when he starts to call me on it.

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