Friday, October 13, 2006

Some conversations you just can't win...

Gavin is very persistent. He never gives up on anything. Which, I suppose, is a good quality to have but can be annoying at times, too. Here is a conversation we had on the way to the grocery store and stopped at a red light.

Gavin: Mama, what's that building?
Me: That is a bank.
G: Is it the dance center?
Me: No, no. It is a bank. It does look like the dance center building but it's not.
G: (Pointing) That building right there? (only building on the lot)
Me: Yes, that building.
G: It's the dance center?
Me: No, it is not the dance center. It is a BANK.
G: Oh.
(silence for about 4 seconds)
G: Is that the dance center?
Me: --huge sigh-- Yup, that is the dance center.

End of conversation.

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