Friday, June 02, 2006


Today, as I was getting the boys juice boxes in the kitchen, I suddenly hear Aidan cry. It was that horrible something-is-really-wrong cry that mothers can just tell is different from the regular everyday cry. So I run in there and Aidan is crying, I pick him up and cuddle him and ask where he hurt himself as I give him the once over. He points to his face and it is then that I notice the swelling and redness on his nose. As I stare at it, it continues to swell and bruise before my eyes (Marcia Brady, anyone?). I panic and think it is broken and am tyring to figure out what I am going to do as everyone I can call is at least 20 minutes away. Then I remember my in-laws are home because they are picking up relatives at the airport today. Horrible timing, but I call them anyway just to get a quick second opinion before I decide what to do. They arrive and by this time, Aidan ha calmed down quite a bit and is drinking some milk. My mil does not think it is broken at all but I call his doctor's office to see what I should do. I explain the situation and the fact that Aidan is quiet and in semi-good spirits considering. They tell me to come in but his doc doesn't have any appointment until 2:45. By the time I hang up the phone, Aidan is able to tell me that he was "hopping like a frog" and fell and hit his nose on the monstrosity that is our fireplace.

We make it to our appointment and Yay! it is not broken. But the swelling will not go down for several days and he more than likely will have at least one black eye from this. Thank goodness I got the boys' 3 year old picture done yesterday!

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