Friday, June 30, 2006

We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship...

Aidan loves the Little Einsteins on Disney. I bought the Little Einsteins audio cd which has the theme song and the dialogue and music from some of the episodes and that is all Aidan wants to listen to in the car. I liked it at first but now it is driving me batty. He knows the theme song word for word and it amazes me to listen to him sing it. I am trying to capture this on tape but somehow he senses when I am going to get the camera and then just does his half-assed performance.

His love affair with Little Einsteins all started about 2 1/2 years ago with its predecessor, Baby Einstein. As a new mom, with twins no less, I thought it was the best thing in the world to plunk them down in their exersaucers for 30 minutes in front of Baby Einstein so I could get dressed and make myself presentable (and maybe check my emails ). Hey, at least it was educational, right? Little did I know that Baby Einstein would become the bane of my existence. And also a source of guilt as I became aware of how much he loved to watch tv. As they grew, so did their dvd collection. Baby Mozart, Baby Van Gogh, Baby DaVinci, Baby Neptune...we have them all. This is all that the boys would request and as they began talking, Aidan would walk around clutching the dvd cases saying "Stena". At first it was cute. I even wrote it in his baby book. Then it got kind of annoying as we realized he was being obsessive about the whole thing. He wanted anything and everything Baby Einstein--books, toys, music cds. And we, like suckers, bought it all. He still holds a special place in his heart for Baby Einstein. But, he is getting bigger and needs to broaden his horizons and so he has moved on up to the Little Einsteins. I still feel kind of guilty that he spends a lot of time watching but it is not as if that is all he does. We go to the library, play in the yard, have a "no tv" time, build with blocks. many three year olds do you know who hum Mozart while they are coloring? Or recognize "Starry Night" upon seeing it in their aunt's office and remark "Oh, that's Van Gogh"?

Thank you Baby Einstein.

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