Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Patience. I have none lately.

I feel like such a horrible mom lately. All my kids want me to do is play with them and I find myself making excuses these past few days. Many of them legit--Ciara's diaper needs changing, she needs to eat, she needs to nap--but they are still excuses. Plus, when the boys get up to their antics (such as emptying the whole container of just-opened diaper wipes so they could "clean the television") I lose my cool really quick and yell at them. And what's more, Aidan will get this hurt look on his face and say "Don't yell at me!". Nice. All my years in school earning my degree in Education, all those child psych classes and classroom mangement techniques go right out the window. I feel like a grumpy mom. Then I lie in bed at night and recount the day and feel just awful at the things I said or did. I will never get this time with them back and this is how I treat them? And the kicker is I know as the words are coming out of my mouth there are better ways I could say them and get my point across. But frustration wins out.

Maybe it is all hormonal. I am expecting AF in a few days so hopefully things will be better then. Argh!

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